This weekend our adventure was to La Paloma and Cabo Palonia a few hours outside of Montevideo. We spent our days walking the beaches and our nights making food and fire in our cozy cabin. While by the beautiful coast, I was listening to the song above by Cory Asbury (If you aren't familiar with his music, look it up! Mind-blowing good.) The words really spoke to me, especially while being surrounded by God's incredible creation.
The details of a tiny seashell. Horses. The ocean breeze. White sand dunes along blue beaches. Sea lions and whales. Shooting stars on the beach. Everything God does for us literally screams 'I love you.' And the best part is, He speaks to each of us personally. While I may be touched by the glittering sand, my friend may be touched by the seagulls floating through the air. God works to convey his love and power to each of us in a unique way.
I'm reminded of Psalm 8:3-5...
"When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
You made him a little lower
than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor."
The Creator CHOOSES to love us uniquely. What a humbling, frightening, beautiful thought. It's not because we're great, it's because He is. With such a great God, how could we not want to respond?
If I had it my way Cory Asbury would sing a second version of his chorus at the end of the song. The chorus would say "May everything I do just scream 'I love You' and may everything I am say 'I care'..." I'm a longgggg way off from this goal, but it's what we are made to do and God is patient. May everything we do, say, act, create, think, breath, believe, hope in, and are show God our love.
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